The #1 Thing Couple’s Forget

The #1 Thing Couples Forget.jpg

Wedding prep. can be overwhelming. When it comes to planning for this big event, the to-do list can be eight months long, and everything needs to be done at a certain time. The venue needs to be booked as soon as possible. Cake needs to be tasted and settled on. Then there are the dress and tuxedo fittings. In the midst of all the other planning, couples routinely forget to add one thing…

They forget to practice their first dance.

It seems trivial when you think about it, but if you want to avoid looking like awkward middle-schoolers, falling into the “prom sway” or forgetting your steps, you’re going to have to spend a little time practicing your first dance with your partner.

How to Make Your First Dance Memorable

Besides your vows and maybe your cake (since you’re supposed to eat the top of it on your first-year anniversary), your first dance will be a memorable part of your wedding. This dance should be fun and relaxing, but if you’re worried about forgetting your moves or you’ve never been a good dancer to begin with, it won’t be.

Let’s talk about a few things to remember when practicing your first dance:

1.    First and foremost, have fun! Weddings are the official birth of a forever union, and when the MC first introduces you and your partner as a married couple, it’s going to be an elating, emotional, amazing experience. Your first dance as a married couple should be the same way. It doesn’t matter if you have two left feet or things haven’t gone as smoothly as you hoped, this part of the night is for you, and you’ll always remember it. So, have fun.

2.   It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece. Not a dancer? No problem. Your first dance as a married couple is a staple at any wedding reception, but it doesn’t have to be a full three minutes long, and it doesn’t have to be something one would see on a dance competition. A solid minute of dancing to your chosen song and then extending an invitation to your guests is the perfect way to go. Add dance medleys!

3.   Make sure you give your DJ the right music. You and your future spouse need to make sure your DJ has the correct music for your first dance. Most songs have several different variations and many different covers and remixes as well. To insure you get the right version for your first dance, you need to discuss it with your DJ ahead of time, send a YouTube or Spotify link! And don’t hesitate to reconfirm the details of your first dance with your DJ a few days before your wedding reception.

4.   Hire a wedding dance instructor. If you want to do more than the ol’ “prom sway,” then hiring a wedding dance instructor could be in your best interest. A wedding dance instructor can teach a simple ballroom dance, a waltz, or even teach a dance combination with a slow dance and an upbeat number. It all depends on what you want!

5.   Practice in your dress shoes/attire. Finally, you should practice your dance in formal attire. You don’t want to practice your whole dance in sneakers, and then have aching feet on your wedding day. It’s always best to practice in your wedding attire if you can, but if you can’t, any formal attire will work (especially if you’re wearing heals). Practicing in formal attire will make you aware of certain issues, such as confining clothes or difficult steps. Consider a first dance dress rehearsal.

Preparing for your first dance should be a rewarding experience. Not only do you get to spend quality time with your future spouse, but it also gives you a break from the stressors of everyday life and the stressors of wedding planning. Regardless of how early you start preparing for your wedding dance, the most important thing to remember is to enjoy yourself.

The second most important thing, even if you decide not to take dance lessons, is to make sure your DJ has the correct music!